You CAN do it girls!

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  • #19915

    Ladies, I just want to put in a word of encouragement here. I am a single mother, and I know many of you are facing the same fate. I want you to know that it is not as scary as you think it will be! I went through my pregnancy "alone" (without my son’s father, anyway) and yes, it was very hard on me emotionally. But girls, nothing can compare to the wonderful loving warmth you feel when you hold your baby for the first time. It is remarkable. My son’s father is still not involved in his life, but I kind of feel sorry for him. He is missing out on such a wonderful opportunity to grow as a person and as a parent, and someday he WILL look back and wish he had been there. In the mean time, I am working on making a good, financially stable life for my beautiful baby boy and I ( he’s now 8 1/2 months old, time goes so fast!) I just want all of you to know that even though the road ahead may seem impossible, IT"S NOT!!!! Just pray, and hold on to your strength and Know you can do it! I know it’s so much easier said than done, but you will be so intensely in love with your child that none of these hardships will even matter in the end. I love all of you, and I pray for you all and I just hope you can see the light through your hard times. Please contact me if any one of you ever need any advice, any help w/ financial resources, help with life planning, prayer, etc, or even if you just want someone to listen to your story! I’m here, and I want to be there for you all. God Bless

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