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      Today I went to the doctor because I’ve been sick the past few days. He didn’t even check me out other then looking in my throat, and I didn’t even have a sore throat. She had me reschedule my next Thursday appointment for the Thursday after next so she can do yet another ultra sound. She keeps making me cry by telling me I’m to big. I haven’t really gained much weight during my pregnancy. I just think they are wrong about the due date, my husband and I are pretty sure he is due the beginning of February.


        What? Tell her to stop telling you that you are too big and do her job! Some people are bigger than others during pregnancy and she needs to get over that. My friend looked like she was 9 months only at 6. Tell her your concerns or get a new midwife ok? Hope you feel better


          And you and ur husband is probably right…. The doctors just hate to admit that their wrong. I was told not to gain that much weight this pregnancy because of my high blood pressure with my last kid and i’m not even that big so don’t worry


            I wish they would just quit treating me differently because I am young. They blame me for my son growing so big, they could just have the wrong due date. Hopefully they will just stop being so rude to me. When I told them I think I lost my mucus plug they told me I couldn’t have because it’s to early for that. She didn’t even check me, I mean hello I could already be dialating and they could never know. It’s so wrong that they are not listening to me.


              ugh tell her to do her job and quit messing aroud


                I would definitely get a new doctor.


                  The only problam about getting a new doctor is that it’s already so late in my pregnancy.

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