worried, but yet happy…could i be?

HOME Hot Topics Girl Zone Pregnancy Questions and Symptoms worried, but yet happy…could i be?

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      [color=#800080] I’m 15, and 2 weeks ago i lost my virginity to my boyfriend. I’m on birthcontrol, but i started that week late AND i missed a pill the day i lost my virginity. This was only about a week after i got off my period, and i forgot to take my pill on sunday and i didn’t remember until later monday evening. Friday we had sex again…this time he came inside me, twice. We did it again on saturday and yet again he came inside me twice. I never gave it another thought untill about a week later and i realized that there was a possibility that i could be pregnant. I talked to him about it (he is one of those few guys that actually cares, he’s an amazing person), and he was just so supportive. Ok, but now to get down to the point:

      I can feel a VERY slight little firm spot right above my pubic bone, and my abdomen is slightly tender. My breasts aren’t that sore, but they were slightly touchy, but nothing big, it went away. I have had to pee more often, and i am VERY hungry and thirsty now. There is also one shaking symptom that i just can’t not think about. I FEEL pregnant. I just can’t explain it. I am already so in love with a baby that may or may not exist.

      I just need help lol. My grandparents would be so disappointed in me. His parents are very religious, and they would be so angry. I might not even have a place to live if i am, because my grandparents might throw me out. I just need advice, so anybody that can give me and i really appreciate it!


      Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/11/21 13:24

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