Without a Clue

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      I was suppose to start my period today 9/6/06 but I didn’t and I had sex with my boyfriend over 3wks ago. I’m too scared to tell my parents because I’m 18 and I just started college and I don’t have the money to get a HPT. For the last 2wks I have been very tired almost too tired to get up for school. And everytime I stand up from sitting I get really dizzy. What should I do and could I be pregent?


        Im 5 months pregnant. My fiance started teasing me about it a few weeks before we found out. My period was 3 weeks late and i got really scared. so yes, there is a possibilty that youre pregnant. if you cant afford a test, go in the phone book and set up an appt for a free clinic. Theres lots of help you can get. If you are pregnant, remember, if you dont have money or anything, theres help out there. im not saying youre going to get an abortion, but if you would consider it, think about it first and read the articles on here before you make your decision. Im 16 years old and was in a car accident and lost mobility in my left arm. i can only move my fingers and wrist. I decided to keep the baby. Well, ifyou need anything i included my email adress. good luck and i hope i helped a little bit

        -liss 😛

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