When do i get my first scan?

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    Hey everyone .. im 6 and a half weeks pregnant .. and im just curious when i get my first scan? .. and possibly when i start showing?!..


    I think it really varies from person to person. The hormone levels could be lower than someone elses at the same week of pregnancy. Like i did a test with my first pregnancy and at that time i was 12weeks along and it was so faint i thought id stuffed up the test and then 3 others did the same thing and then this pregnancy now came out with a clear result at only 8wks!!!


    i agree, i took at least 4 urine tests and all came back negative..then the doctor said i wasnt pregnant after a test AND an examination. so imagine the suprise when i went into hospotal wit stomach cramps to find out i was in labour!!! i really shud have had a blood test!!! xxx


    usually around 12 weeks I think but sometimes circumstances will for us to get them early……I had my first with my daughter the day I found out. I had a preg test (blood and urine) two weeks earlier and had not been sexually active since, I was experiencing horrible pain (thats why I was at the doctor) so they sent me in and sure enough my daughter was a tubal pregnancy that is why they couldnt tell I was preg I was 5 weeks along and she just slipped out and replanted (thats what the doctors said and they were amazed)….Meg


    around 12 weeks for the ultrasound and depends on your body when you show. I was showing before I knew, because I became a human balloon so everyone kept asking and I didnt even think I was. But my friend is 20 weeks almost and NOTHING. she can be naked and it looks like nothing. Just flat. SO, depends on your luck. I gained over 30 pounds by the time I was 26 weeks. Crazy fat woman, but I lost it all a week and a half after I gave birth




    Between 9 and 12 weeks for your first ultrasound!!! You don’t need to be showing to have one!!! Good luck!!!


    Get in as soon as you can for the first prenantal, at my practice they do the ultrasound then. As for showing, I started showing before I knew. I really didn’t think anything of it because I have always had a little belly. Now at 9 weeks, I am deffinatly showing to the point where my fiance and I can deffinatly see it but not everyone else yet.

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