when did you find out you were preggo?

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    well i was wondering since i waited so long to find out, i still dont know as yet i’m currently 15 days late, but at how much weeks were you when you found you were pregnant? from the pregnancy calender it says i’m 6 weeks :silly:. when i find out for sure i’ll update:)


    i found out i was preggo about 7 weeks along…i think…i know i waited a month after i started thinking i was to find out, because i was so scared that i was…so it was probably 6 or 7 weeks…the only symptoms i had were sore breasts and a missed period…so i didn’t have much to go on…when are you going to find out?


    well sometime this week, still not sure although i know that i should get a HPT ASAP, i’m kinda stalling cause i’m getting frustrated looking for a job:unsure:


    How many times have I told you to take a test? xD

    Well, you know about me, but I found out at 9 – 10 weeks. The doctor only gave an estimate. :s But I think I’m farther because he picked the heartbeat up VERY strong and loud right away.


    haha my last period was december 1st 2007 and i didnt check until january 18th haha cuz i was putting it off and it happened to me before and it was stress so i just thought it was stress but nope i was pregnant 🙂 so yeah i also realized because i had the symptoms i had all day sickness and my boobs were sore.. so haha i would take a test so it stops the am i or am i not questions and reliefs you haha and yeah update us!


    I think I found out at 5 weeks.. Now I am almost 21 weeks and I cant believe how fast time is going by..


    i found out about three weeks after I had conceived and then i wemt to the doctor and she dais I was about 5 weeks along…good luck hope all goes well


    3 months!

    But I knew pretty my when my rags didn’t come, my ex just kept holding me off telling me to wait:laugh: !


    9 1/2 weeks. ^.^ … which frankly I’m only 11 weeks now, so not too long ago.


    well my last period was back in dec 2007 so i decided to check around january cuz im usually in the 1st or 2nd week when i got my period n of course the first sign was my missed period… then i noticed that my brest felt sore and i was really tired… i’d get off work n just want to go home n sleep..

    You’ll notice the changes as time goes by but you should do the test asap so you can just know if you are or not n leave the doubt out of your mind… it’s going to be scary to do it but just remember that your not alone you have all the gurls here to be with you no matter what.. hope everything turns out good for you and always remember a new baby is always a blessing from god…
    wish ya da best


    I found out I was pregnant when I was roughly 5 weeks along. Now, I am 37 weeks pregnant and I can’t wait until I have my baby.


    I found out at 10 weeks, my periods were always irregular and I was on birth control so I didn’t think much about it. I took the test in the bathroom at work before I had to teach two three hour long classes to middle schoolers, not the brightest idea. I was a wreck!


    ha 3 days ago. [[same day i turned sixteen]] :unsure: good birthday present. sorta


    Ohhh, boy. My period is usually the most predictable thing. I went to the bathroom July 5th to put on a pad. Before I even look down, I put one on because it’s always just that consistent. So I put the pad on and realized three hours later that there was nothing on it! :laugh:

    So I waited a week to take a pregnancy test, seeing as I conceived on July 1st. It was the longest week of my entire life. 😛


    i found out when i was 2 months pregnant and it was very unplanned


    I took a home test at the end of march.. and it was pos. but we went to a clinic to make sure.. soo i really found out on April Fools Day!! haha. how ironic.


    I got a pos pretty early for an HPT. I was suppose to get my period Oct. 2 of 2004. Mind you my P was never on time, I just had this feeling. I was at my dad’s that day so I waited to get to my b/f’s house. Around 5 o’clock still no period and I was at my b/f’s so we walked to kmart and got a pack of 2. went back to my b/f’s house and took 1 test within 3 sec. it was pos. I took another one the next morning again pos. So needless to say I found out Oct. 2nd of 2004. I was 2 weeks pregnant and 15 years old.


    Wow. 🙂 I’m 26 weeks now, haha. I remeber when I first found out…


    i found out when i was 4 weeks gone.
    i am now 5 weeks gone.
    i had a positive HPT, still havn’t gone to the docs yet.. so could be further along and not know about it :unsure:
    i had my symptoms at about 3 weeks.. which is quite early i think.


    B) i found out 2 days before my period was due =)
    6.10.08 exactly haha =)

    well i know i had sex on THE days, i was feelin different..and i couldnt wait till my period due, so i made it on the day i bought the test and make it and…two big fat red lines= we are pregnant =)


    I was putting off the subject of being prego. i found out i was prego at 17 weeks. when i was talking to my boyfriends parents about babies. They were upset at first cuz im so young but they were happy cuz its going to be their first grandaughter


    I knew I was pregnant when I was 2 weeks along. I started to have symptoms. Then on week three I was falling asleep every night at work and that was not like me at all, plus on my days off I was in bed by 7pm. I struggled to stay awake. We took a test 2 days before missed period. Thats how we knew for sure.

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