Whats going on!!

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    So I got my period two weeks early and I keep on getting pains in my stomach and i did have unprotected sex, I decided to take a home pregnacy test and the results where negative, but im still having some pains in my stomach and im worried that maybe i took the pregnacy test to early, I dont really want to take another test yet but it was kinda like i was spotting abit after my period at first, but i havent scinse, so i dunno if since i took birth control it messed my hormones all up ( ive stopped taking birthcontrol before and it never did this) or because of something else, im not to sure whats going on, my bf thinks it could be from all the stress the past few weeks, but im not so sure… Im 17 years old and am pretty confused, I know they say dont stress and try not to think about it cause you can trick your self into being pregnant sympyoms, so i have been kinda ignoring it but I can’t just ignore the painds so yah,,, :unsure: :unsure: :S


    somwbody please help me!! im confused!!


    It sounds like this may be a side-effect of the birth control pill, but are you new at this pill? If you are, it could take three months to adjust. If that isn’t the case, then there is always the chance of getting pregnant ANY time you have sex, so that just may be the thing. Unfortunately, pregnancy is very uncertain with pains, symptoms, and emotions! So I strongly suggest going to a doctor because that is ALWAYS your best bet out of anything. They can take a blood test and tell you if you’re pregnant or not and determine your stomach pains. Good luck!


    hiya hun, i think the best thing to do in this situation is to do another test, if negative repeat again in like 3 days to a week, if still negative and your unsure go to your doctor and have a blood test taken, because that will tell you for sure then you wont need to worry 🙂 or you could skip out doing another test and go straight to the doctor then you wil find out sooner rather than later 🙂
    best wishes hun
    ami xxx

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