What should I do (pegnancy test?)

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    [b]Hello everyone, Im new to the community. πŸ™‚

    So so i’m 16 years old.. I’ve been dating guys on and off since I was 14, and for the past two months i’ve been with the most amazing guy. The last time we had intercourse ws Dec 20th. The condom broke half way through and we didnt notice, so he eventually finished. Im not on birth control. I got my last period around the 2-5th of Dec..

    What should I do? When should I take a pregnancy test? What are the odds I am pregnant? Part of me is saying “No, im not pregnant, im just being paranoid” but I cant be too sure. My next expected period is about the first to second week of January.. help? :([/b]


    Hi and welcome to SUG:)
    There is always a possibility that you could be pregnant if the condom breaks/slips off. You’ll have to play the waiting game untill it’s time for AF, some hpts can detect pregnancy upto 2 days before AF is due, but wait untill yr late…
    try not to stress too much:) it does make you paranoid and see symptoms that aren’t really there.
    Good luck and keep us posted!!!



    first off breath and dont stress 2 much.

    you will sadly have to wait for AF, but there are some tests that can tell earlyer-i think like a week before or so…

    well mine gave ne two fat red lines when i was hmm 2 or 1 or even more days before my AF, and i have had a normal one, so…

    just wait and when she doesnt come test.

    there is a possibility of you being pregnant, but there is also a chance that you are not, so please just donr stress 2 much ok?’

    keep us updated,

    lots of love (and luck?)



    Hey, there πŸ™‚ I hope everything is going okay for you. If you can find a way there, it would be a really good idea to find a pregnancy center near you that can give you a free pregnancy test and offer you some support while you find out. You can go to http://www.optionline.com and click “Find A Center” (I think πŸ™‚ and then type in where you live. Most places have good free tests that can tell if you’re pregnant only 10 days after you have sex. I hope this helps! Let us know how it goes- we all care about you!


    Wait til you see a missed period then test. You use morning urine!


    Thank you everyone πŸ™‚


    have you taken a pregnancy test yet?

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