what is it??

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  • #18147

    hey everbody,
    Well as a lot of you know i had a misscarriage two weeks ago. But i still fell like im pregneat!!! I still have morning sickness, i have strange food cravings, and i have to pee ALOT!!! Whats the mater with me??? Is sompthing wrong with me??? Doi need to go see me doctor??? PLEASE HELP!!

    Oh im 15 and i was almost 4 months pregneat if that helps.


    Hello !!

    Eventually!! ive found somebody in the same position as me although i was 3 months along with a baby until i thought i had lost it…

    but i think well know i have lost it as i come on my periods this month extremely heavy and clots occured

    have you came on your period yet?

    i kept taking pregnancy tests as i did not want to let my self believe that i had lost my precious baby.

    why dont you take another pregnancy test and if you are still 100% sure you think you are pregnant go to the drs and have them take out a pregnancy test just so you know for sure. you cant let your mind play tricks really

    hope this helps and please reply with further information if you have any 🙂 thanks.


    It sounds like you are still having the symptms of the pregnancy. You should see a doctor to make sure nothing was left from the misscarige. Nothing is worng with you it is normal my sister had the same thing happen to her.


    sorry for your loss hugs to you its going to stay that way for a lil while i lost my baby about 6 weeks ago at 15 weeks n i didnt even know i lost my angel till they told me there was no heart beat i had systoms than n i had them afterwards for almost a mo., there going to be there till you get your pe.,…. most likely i got mine 5 weeks later i know it hurts to have them still they will go away though n if you feel uncom., call your doc exp it to them there there to help you.your not weird its normal it will go away if you ever need to talk im here 4 u., mommy6

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