what do ya’ll think????

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    k so me and my husband (just got married btw =D) had sex on dec 20th. i was ovulatin that day (or the 19th) and i had my period on the 3rd-6th or 9th lol. Im having signs ie. goin pooty alot, dizzy, nausea, always feelin like its 100 degrees and i live in WA! but anyway…ive tested on the 16th and it was neagtive….when should i test?? and funny to say but i have no clue if i am even puttin enough pee on the stick. how can you really no?


    It’s actually better to pee in a cup and then dip the test into it. It works a heck of a lot better. (: If you miss your next period thats when you need to test again. Good luck. I wish you the very best. Congrats on the wedding. My husband and I got married December 13, 2009 I was already pregnant though. We’re expecting our baby boy Braxton in March.


    I don’t think it really matters how much pee you put on the stick..as long as it is enough for it to pick up the result. I think you should give it another week or so and take another test.

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