What do i do… SCARED!

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    what do i do now? how am i suppose to live, i sit everyday, and i wait, i wait for nothing, i wait for Cory, and i wait for myself, i feel nothing, i pretend everything is okay, but it is, nothing is okay, nothing is right. I did it, and i shouldnt of, i dont know, i love him, and i am sorry for doing it and i am sorry for how i did it, i am sorry. I love him. i think about my daughter, and i think about my son, and i dont know what to do, i love them, but now what, how coudl i do it, how could i destroy my perfect family???

    a few days ago, i was hanging out with some friends and i dont know exactly how it happened, but it happened, i kissed my ex boyfriend, my fiance was at home with my kids!!!! how could i do it???

    When i went home, i told him right away and he forgave me. how could he do that, its just not right… i cant forgive myself, how could he forgive me!!!!



    Well I think we have all found ourselves in situations where we made the wrong choice. The good thing is that you know what you did was wrong. My hope for you is that you would truly pray and evaluate who your " real " friends are. Do they inhibit you from being the best mother you possibly could be? Does the time you spend with them take away from the time you could be loving on your children? If you spend less time with people who are "free" and single you may not end up making decisions that would harm your family. I have two young children my self and I think we often believe the lie that when you have kids all your "friends" quit coming around but in my case I think when I got my act together and accepted and embraced motherhood I chose to protect my family by not letting the "friends" from my past into my new life unless they valued decent family values 🙂 Forgiveness is such a wonderful thing embrace it. My prayers are with you 🙂


    Hi, Krystel.

    Don’t be too hard on yourself.

    Your fiancé may actually have a better appreciation of you than you do yourself. We all fall and we’re all weak. I really don’t think people can walk out of our lives and we simly don’t feel anything. That’s what I believe was behind the feelings for your ex-boyfriend and the kiss that transpired. It feels really good to have someone show you you’re a beautiful person thus the weakness there.

    What I think you need to do now is take stock of what life you have now. Is it worth fighting for? I think it is. So fight for it. Your fiancé’s forgiveness was right because I think tht though he sees your weaknesses, I think he very well sees just how good and beautiful you still are especially for him and his children.

    Try to keep your distance from your ex especially if you can’t control an urge like that. Stick to what is truly yours and that’s the family you have. You were smart enough to keep your kids and not get an abortion. Be smart enough to make sure that the life you give them in your family is actually better than the death you took them away from. A broken family is not the best place to raise kids, the popular media notwithstanding.

    Love your kids, love your fiancé and love yourself in your family.



    I know how you feel and just remember things happen! Maybe now u know that its not ur place to hang out with them any more! Find some new ppl to be around with familys like what u have now! Thats qwhat i had to do or the exact same thing u did! Anywho in the end it all works out……don’t get to down on urself….it just makes it worse…….everyone makes mistakes……just try to fix it and there wont be a problems……..i hope this helps 🙂


    He forgave you because he loves you. Now it’s time for you to forgive yourself and to never put yourself in that kind of situation again.


    don’t be so hard on ur self……..it’s not like you had sex with him or ne thing like that…it was a kiss and u told ur finace right after….he forgave you so u need to do the same for ur self!….

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