What Do I Do?????

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    i have just found out im 2 and a half month pregnant and everybody wants me to have an abortion i really dont want to thought. I wanna keep this baby i couldnt even think about killing an innocent child neither having someone else raise them. My mother keeps sayin that it isnt even a baby yet but it is isnt it? what do i do???



    Congratulations! Please don’t let anyone else force or pressure you into having an abortion, especially if YOU don’t want to have one! It may be tough but it is YOUR baby and YOUR pregnncy and nobody should force you into choosing abortion against your will. By the time you are 2 and a half months the fetus already looks like a little baby with arms and legs and fingers and toes. It already has a heartbeat. There are some incredible pictures on this site and elsewhere on the internet. Maybe if you show them to your mom and explain to her that you believe that it is an innocent life inside you that you don’t want to hurt she will respect your decision to carry the baby.

    I’m sorry that your mother is not being supportive. Perhaps you could contact a local crisis pregnancy center or birthright. They should give emotional and possibly financial help for you. Also you might consider an open adoption in which you would still have some contact with your child. I will pray for you and for your family. If there is any way I can help let me know. Good Luck sweetie.



    I done what you said and my mother has said she cannot take the stress i am giving her. She is now finding a home for me to live in and she doesnt want anything else to do with me. The more she says i wouldnt be abble to cope the more determined i am to bring up this baby and give it a perfect life. BUT how canm i do that in a home i hope your right that people will give me financial support and i just pray that God is on my side. If you or anyone else has any suggestions i would be really glad to here them. Thanks.



    I’m so sorry to hear about your mother’s reaction. I certainly hope I didn’t make things worse for you. God is on your side and you are not alone. I’m not sure what state you live in and what the specific resources are in your state. You could start by looking at the links under "girl help" on this website. What about the father of your baby? Is there any chance that he could be supportive or his family would be supportive? Even if not you might still be able to get child support down the road if you decide to raise the child yourself. Do you have any other relatives that you can trust that you think might be supportive? grandparents? aunts & uncles? Do you belong to a church? If so you could talk to your pastor and perhaps he/she could provide support counseling and direct you to pregnancy resources. If you decide to pursue adoption I know there are agencies out there that will cover all prenatal and delivery expenses. Otherwise maybe you could qualify for medicaid coverage or WIC benefits.



    I am sorry to hear how your mother reacted. I am just curious how old you are. Maybe this is what is causing the problem for her.

    There are people that will help you. Look to see if there is a Crisis Pregnancy Center in your area. My daughter is expecting also. We are in Texas and contacted the Crisis Center here. They will help you with maternity clothes, diapers,formula, counseling, childbirth classes. etc. They also will help you get signed up for Medicaid if needed.

    You have to make the decision that is right for you. You are the only one that will have to live with it for the rest of your life.

    Sometimes you have to walk away and eventually that person may come to their senses. The last thing you need right now is the added stress of your own family not helping you with this situation.

    Yes…God is on your side. Talk with him and he will help you to make the right decision.

    Good Luck and hang in there.


    Im 15 yrs old. My mam took me to the hospital because she wanted me to have an abortion but i wanted to know more about, obviously since im against it. The doctor finally convinced me it was for the best…until she done an ultrasound and found out im 14 weeks pregnant. I was pushing myself doing it already but now the baby is fully formed all it needs to do now is grow. My mams at work at the moment but when she comes in ill have to tell her im keeping this baby. I’ll have to move out and dont know where im going to go but god is on my side and he’ll show me the way.



    I was wondering how you were doing. I hadn’t heard from you in a while. I’m glad that you have decided to have this little baby. I know it made things seem more tangible and real when I finally got to see an ultrasound of my son at 18 weeks. I still hope and pray that your mom will change her mind and become more supportive, but that doesn’t sound likely. Was your mom there when you had the ultrasound? How did she react? Look for as many sources of outside help as possible. I know how lonely and scary this time is for you, but God is definitely on your side. If you ever need a friend to listen I am here. Good luck.



    Hi Shevon, I just want to let you know that i am really proud of you. It takes such courage to stand up to people, but most especially your mother. Let her know how you feel, and most especially let her know that she will be a grandmother. Maybe she will kick you out but there are so many places that you can go for help and support. The effects of an abortion are horrible, maybe show your mother some of the stories her on Stand Up Girl about girls who have been forced into having abortions, and how they still suffer today because of it. I pray that the Lord keeps you safe, gives you courage, and most of all works to help your mother ealise that this is a child of God. We are all here to listen and talk to if you need a "virtual" hug. Godd luck sweetie!


    At nine weeks is when the child is considered to be in the fetal stage, and is therefore a baby, but even before that the heart starts beating, so I don’t know why your mother would think that.


    dont have an abortion because you will regret it for the rest of your life . killing an innocent life isnt right at all so plz let the baby live.

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