What did I do?

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    A few weeks ago I found out I was pregnent. I am in a very wonderful and committed relationship, and I knew that my boyfriend would be there for me through whatever I needed to do. But I also knew that he expected me to have an abortion. We had discussed in the past what we would do in this situation, and I always told him that I am not ready to have a baby. What was I thinking? When I took the test and it was positive his response was "Well, we know what we have to do." He got out the phone book and the next thing I knew I had an appointment.

    Everything at the clinic was a mess. They heard the girls around like a bunch of cattle. I opted to have the non-surgical procedure done was given a shot and was sent home with pills. I was told "it’s just like having your period." That was probably the biggest lie I had ever heard. I lost my baby on Sunday. I had to flush my child down the toilet. It wasn’t until that moment that the reality sunk in. My boyfriend has held me while I cry myself to sleep the last few nights. I sneak off to the bathroom at work to cry. I just feel very alone. My boyfriend is the only one that knows, but he can’t quite get a grasp of how I feel. I am trying not to regret it, because I cannot change it. I jst don’t know where to turn from here.

    Lynn Lezcano

    oh baby! i feel so terrible for you. i had an abortion over twenty years ago and it still hurts. the only thing that got me through was asking God for forgiveness and knowing that he really did forgive me. at first i didn’t beleive that he did but as i desired to get closer to him i learned that if we are truly sorry He will forgive us for anything we do. He loves us so incredibly that He sent His son Jesus to pay the price for our sin. DEATH! that’s what i deserved. but Jesus did it for me. I pray for you to find comfort in the comforter. write back if you want to chat.


    I think most people who have an abortion at one point or another regret it. weather it is remembering a due date a birthday or whatever…You need to be completely honest with your boyfriend and let him know how you are feeling. You might even need to look into some perfessional help (I did) and it really helped. I had an abortion when I was 16 and I regreted it from the moment I walked into the clinic but I cannot change what I did I just have to live with it and rememebr that my child that I aborted did nothing wrong…I am the one that should of thought before getting pregnant. And I constantly remember what I did but, with help from people who have been there it slowly but surly gets better…not easier but, better


    I feel sorry for you too having to feel this way and it was WRONG for your boyfriend to push you into that straight away. Maybe the other choice could have been adoption and the baby would of had a life.
    I guess i would try not to get pregnant anytime soon and maybe go and speak to a doctor to get some help

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