What are the chances I’m pregnant?

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  • #24188

    So, I’ll try to make this short…

    I’ve been on the pill for 8 months, and have rarely missed any. However, the week of February 8th was a very stressful week, and I took the pills at different times (i.e. 11pm, 2pm, 9 am), as well as missed some. According to the pregnancy calculator, I should have ovulated on February 12.

    I’ve had breakthrough bleeding randomly since then, as well as cramps.

    What are the chances I could be pregnant? Did I miss too many pills to be protected?


    Hi hun, my name is Enya =]

    I advice to you STOP TAKING THE BIRTH CONTROL PILL UNTIL YOU ARE SURE YOU ARE NOT PREGNANT and to obstain from sex until you know you are not pregnant.

    The contraceptive pill can be very harmful to a fetus and so until you know for SURE you are not pg, stop taking it.

    Have you taken a pregnancy test yet? Please take one and even if it is negative wait a week and take another, if u are still uncertain please go to your doctor and get a blood test. I am here if you ever need to talk,

    best wishes,



    If you ovulated on February 12, I would assume that you are due for your period soon? I would say that you should definitely stop taking the pill (and of course stop having sex so you don’t get yourself pregnant in the mean time) until you find out whether you are pregnant or not. Wait until your period is a week late and then take a home pregnancy test or go get a blood test done.
    Hope everything works out!


    Well, I took a test today, and it came out negative. It’s been 13 days since ovulation.

    However, I FEEL pregnant. I’ve been experiencing several symptoms (headaches, constipation, irritability, light cramps, and nausea) for over a week now.

    Did I test too early? My period is due today, and nothing so far.

    Advise anyone?


    Just for the record for others as well as you who may believe those symptoms are telling you you’re pregnant….those are also symptoms for your body to begin a new cycle.

    Try to test in a few more days, or go to your clinic to get a blood test done. But I would try to relax as stress causes your body to react differently.

    God bless,


    hey hun maybe go to your doctor and get a blood test. if you still dont get your period in a week or so please take another pg test.

    take care


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