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    I am 5’3″ or so, and I was wondering, does anyone know what the correct weight is for my height (I am not pregnant)? Even though the doctor told me (before I started loosing weight) that I was a good weight, I have been loosing about a pound a month for the past few months. when I last weighed myself I was about 122.5 lbs. I know that I am not overweight, but I want to make sure that I am not loosing too much. (I am not trying to loose weight)
    But I did get my wisdom teeth out in Dec… could I still be recovering from that even though it was a long time ago?
    I’m kind of worried as my Aunt has severe health problems due to her being too thin for a long time. Anyone have any ideas?


    You’re a fine weight. The average is 110 to 125 or something like that. If you’re not trying to loose weight you should go see your doctor though! Take care girl!!!


    I’m 5’2 and I know that my weight can go up to 135 lbs (post pregnancy and I’d still be healthy. I think you’re a good weight – just don’t lose any more.


    Thank you very much for your help! 🙂 I really appreciate it! 🙂

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