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  • #15499

    So I am around 6 monghs right now and have only gained about ten pounds. I dont even look prego yet! I see all these pictures on here of girls who are 19 weeks and so big already. The doctors havent said its bad but i am just wondering if anyone else has had slow weiht gain?



    Are you a naurally thin person? If you are it may be normal that you haven’t gained too much weight. My best friend was prego. for seven months before she started to show and after she gave birth to her son (who by the way was healthy) she weighed ten punds less that what she weighed before she became prego. But if it really concerns you,you may want to discuss it with your doctor he/she may be able to refer you to see a specialist.


    its not slow i promise lol its normal…….i didnt gain ANY weight until i was 7 months….and the last 3 months i gained 25 pounds lol! Dont worry every body is different! some ppl even lose weight! so dont worry to much…


    i’m not preg…but when my mom was having her first and secong she barely looked pregnant even at 9 months so ive heard…its just different bodies…i hope it happens to me when i am pregnant to be honest, less weight to lose afterwards! 😀

    good luck xxx


    well I lost 28 pounds in my first trimester because of morning sickness and have only gained 6 of it back so I’m -22 pounds! LOL! I’m 22 weeks


    don’t worry if ur docs haven’t said ne thing. be glad that you haven’t gained tons of weight. i’m 26wks 3 days and i have gained almost 20 lbs…..and as what is said the aveage wieght by the time ur 5 months you should gain ne were from 10-20…so…..


    i only weight 124 Lbs when i gave birth and my son came out healthy weighing 6lbs 5 ounces. so as long as your doc says its ok you are fine.

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