was i pregnant and had an miscarriage?

HOME Hot Topics Girl Zone Pregnancy Questions and Symptoms was i pregnant and had an miscarriage?

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    Im not exactly sure wut happened, the last time i had sex was october 5 and my period came on the 7th and then and then it came back on nov. 1st. im always sleepin, eatin, somtimes im dizzy and ppl been sayin i been gainin weight, and im always feeling sick and would like throw up in my mouth but end up swallowin, and i always wanted a hot sausage, and i started bein constipated…..Well like a few days i started bleeing nothing heavy i was like spottin or wateva and then today i was bleeding kind of heavy and im like ok my period is prob early but now im not sure if i was pregnant or wut?

    Post edited by: CupcakeMami, at: 2006/11/18 01:24


    it could be anything, you need to check with your doctor. Your symptoms are the exact ones I had before I found out I was pregnant, but I never noticed them to be honest, and I never felt nauseaus till my 6th week. Make a doctors appoinment and make sure everything is ok, it could after all just be an early period, but to rest your mind, check with the doctor. Good luck and I hope you don’t hear bad news.


    But then that would mean my period was like three weeks early…. and iono how ima get to the dr. cuz of my mom and stuff she found out i wasnt a virgin no more and made me promise i wouldnt do it more, she was so heart broken when she found out i lost it…. and now if she found out i did it again i couldn’t stand to ya know dissapoint her again… ima take a pregnancy test and see if i am …. there is another thing i mean when i was havin sex with da boy we did not use protection but i mean he never reached his peak and came, so is it still possible for me to be pregnant?

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