Hello, i’ve been lurking in the standup girl forums for awhile now since my first pregnancy scare. Never posted just wanted to relate to someone. Well now here I am 3 days late and just waiting, waiting to test waiting to see what happens. I think i’m just paranoid because I really don’t have symptoms, i’ve felt a little sick for the past couple of days nothing to be worried about, had some lower back pain but that’s it. I’m on the pill and up until last month I could calculate every month almost to the exact time I would start…that accurate. I was 2 days late last month…and had a pretty irregular one. Then this month 3 days late and other than being a little crampy absolutely nothing else is wrong. Sorry this is long and kind of in detail, but what do you all think. I am in a steady relationship, well it ought to be we just got engaged! I’m not really scared, i’m just wondering. What do you all think? Thanks for listening!!