Very Frustrated, can anyone relate?

HOME Hot Topics Girl Zone Pregnancy Questions and Symptoms Very Frustrated, can anyone relate?

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    Hello everyone. well let me try to explain my situation without turning it into a novel LOL. Ok I have children already, but my husband would really like one more. So we have been trying to conceive for a few months now. I had a misscarriage 2 months ago. But now my AF is late,2 wks. so ok I have quite a few of the usual symptoms that normally go along with early pregnancy, with exception that my breasts have not bothered me as of yet! and i have not thrown up but do get nauseous spells.My back has been bothering me for a few weeks and I want to eat everything in sight. lol mild headaches, moodiness, ETC. my lower stomach area is quite firm and I feel like im pregnant being as I have done this before.;) So I book a doc. app. and have a urine test done. NEGATIVE! I wanted to cry, she sent me for a blood test to be certain. should know by the end of the week. Fingers crossed!!! but my hopes are beginning to fade fast!! This baby would be our last and we just cant seem to make it happen. 🙁 Thanks for listening. 😉


    I can relate sweetie!! In never had a positive pregnancy test but I know that I experienced a miscarriage several months before my husband and I did get pregnant, it has only been two months so hang in there, I had a hard time being around other peoples babies and I thought that it would never get better…it will, just give it time, nothing will replace your sweet little baby that you lost but give it time and try not to fill your body with stress and anxiety, it can only make it harder to get pregnant…Lots of Love…Meg

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