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    Well we had to take my son to the dr again yesterday b/c he wasnt getting any better..they did a chest x-ray and said there is something in his lungs but its so small that it could be pneumonia setting in or a partial collapse lung. they took him off the oral steroid and gave him a shot in his leg of the steroid and put him on zythromax in case it is pneumonia. we r to continue the breathing treatments..and have to take him back in tues so the dr can listen to his lungs again..she said either the wheeze is subsiding or its just down so deep she can barely hear it. we’re hoping he gets better soon.its so sad watching my poor baby have trouble breathing and now my daughter is getting the same barking cough so now i’m worried she has contracted the same thing my son has. we’ll find out tues wish us luck and keep us in your prayers


    Dear Lord,

    Please keep this sweet little child in your hands. Lord, I know that it is hard for this mother to see her little boy suffering and coughing so much. She must be feeling so much worry about this, so I pray that you give her the strength to keep going and be a wonderful mother to her two children. Give her peace and comfort, Lord, and bless her child.



    I will be praying for you and for your child.



    Amen….. you have my prayers as well…Meg


    omg i hope everythin works out an ill be thinkin of u an ur babies xxxxx


    We went to his follow up appt yesterday and his lungs r clear and he no longer has the wheeze. hes doing much better except he still has a slight cough and runny nose..and now my daughter and i have the cold as well.my son finally got his vaccines yesterday and now he has a fever from them and didn’t sleep so good last night but it should pass within 24hrs..thank you all so much the prayers seemed to have helped as my little boy is much better. now lets just hope we all get over this cold…that might be a while considering its april 11th and snowing here..and it was 50 yesterday. once again thank you all!

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