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  • #8361

    hi girlies!! just thought i would let you know whats been going on with me.
    I have been very very very sick! I can’t eat or drink anything. i had to go to urgent care on thursday night. they gave me an IV and some meds in my IV to make me feel better.
    Then last night i was throwing up uncontorbly! after i got this extermly sharp pain in the top of my stomach! When my fiancee go tou tof work 1:30 in the morning he took me to the hospital emergancy room. we were there forever! we didn’t get home until 8:30 in the morning! THey gave me another IV and more meds. THis time they gave me a prescription for a drug called Zofran, which is what they give cancer patients going through chemotherapy. So i must work really good.
    The pain i was having was my stomach was swollen and irreitated from vomiting so much. (i threw up again at the hospital which made the pain even worse)
    They told me i have Hyperemesis Gravidarum, which is severe nausea and vomiting during pregnacy that puts both the mother and the baby at risk due to lack for food and liquids. I have lost a total of 11 pounds!!!
    So thats why i haven’t been on here lately.
    Today i ate a WHOLE peanut sand. and some jello which is very good!
    I am 7 weeks 3 days and my offical due date is January 25th 2006!!!


    Ugh. I am sorry to hear about that! I hope that you will get better soon!


    Hey I’ve never talked to anyone before on here.So ummm.How old r ya?I dont know about u but I hope you get better!O.January 25 rocks!!!Thats my birthday.I hope you have a healthy baby and GOOD LUCK!!!!!!




    hey girl! try to eat lots of good food for u and the baby ok? have a healthy baby! :cheer:

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