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  • #20382

    im late this month so far by about 3days, thing is im never late, and ive been feeling sick, not being sick just feeling sick and it goes away after i eat then comes back again. this has been going on for the last weekish. ive also had like this headach thats on and off for about a week and a half, and im finding myself more drained and tired. i have take a hpt this morning and it came out neg. what do you guys think? btw im on the pill and have been for the last yr.


    sometimes when ur on the pill. u get symptoms of pregnancy. just cuz bc pills are weird like that lol.
    But just wait a couple days and take another test or go to the doctor and have them test you.
    i was about 6 days late and i jsut took a test and it was positive for me being pregnant.
    So maybe if u wait a little longer the test will be clearer.
    Also if your stressing about this, your body might just start acting like you are because ur thinking about the chance of you being preg.
    I hope this helps a little;)


    could be r mind playing tricks on you too but if you are pregnant then you dont want to keep taking the pill. Go to the drs for bloods i say.

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