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  • #19451

    Ive been getting some odd pains, well there not really that painfull, more sore and weird. When i carry something if it rest against my stomach its uncomforable, so is resting up against stuff. Ive also had some sharp jabbing pains in my sides, lower stomach. Plus ive felt lightheaded and my breast have started to swell. My last period was on the 6/10, so im either almost a week late or im due on the 10th (depends on my cylces).My last period was lighter then normal, but it was on time and i had none of these things.

    I dont know if im just being hopeful. I had a misscarriage two months ago.
    Ive also been overly moody, but i dont know if this was because of the misscarriage.

    I would really love to be pregnant so i have a feeling most of this is in my head.

    Well let me know what you guys think.


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