undecided… Please Help:)

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    Hello my name is ana i’m 16, a sophmore, and 6mths
    pregnant.Well I’m going through some stuff right know and I need someone
    to talk to and you just seem the right person. Well I need a suggestion
    and I hope that you can help and I’m sorry if I’m taking some of your
    time.Well I’ll start of with my story.Well me and my boyfriend weren’t
    even a week when we started to have sex.That’s something I’m gonna be
    regretting for all my life not because I didnt/dont love him but because
    I think we should of atleast gotten to know each other alot more but
    anyways when we were 4mths together we found out that I was a month
    pregnant at first he wanted me to get an aborbtion but I couldnt do that
    because I just couldnt imagine killing someone that was apart of me so I
    told him no and he understood (thankfully) well we stayed together and
    I had yet to tell my mom well when we were 6mths together and I was
    atleast 3mths pregnant his grandmother got sick and he had to go to
    Mexico he told me that he would just be gone for 2mths and that when he came
    back we would tell my mom and her husband together well he left.Time
    past 2mths to be exact and I had yet to hear from him when I was 5mths I
    couldnt hide my stomache anymore and I didnt have any other choice
    but to tell my mom alone she was very upset at me and I felt terrible
    well I still feel terrible dissapointing my mom well my mom eventually got
    over it (she still hasnt forgaven me though but I understand) she
    agreed thatshe would help me with my baby if my boyfriend dint come back
    she never liked him before we got together he used to do drugs and she
    found out about that. but he doesnt do it anymore thankfully i made sure
    about that before we got together but anyways the point is that he isnt
    the person that she wants me to be with. well recently i heard from
    him see after he left we got our number changed and that was the reason i
    hadnt heard from him well he got our/my new number from one of my
    friends well he called me and he told me that he wants me to go live with
    him he told me that he would work and help me with my baby and that he
    would still let me go to school but well when i told my mom she was
    upset because like i said before she doesnt like him for me and she
    especially doesnt like that he left me when i neede him the most.but i dont
    know what to do should i go live with him because i mean i do love him
    but i dont know i really dont want my baby to live without a father cause
    i know what its like but my mom told me that if i dont decide to go
    live with him then he wouldnt be allowed to come and see his baby and
    like i said before i dont want my baby to grow up without a father.so what
    do you think i should do go live with him or stay with my mom please




    Hi hun! how did it all work out? Are you doing better now?


    that sounds like your in a big pickle..
    and dont ever appoligize for saying whats on your mind here we all are here to listen. I think your mom is right he did leave you for a long time. but he didnt do it for no reason, and i think this is something you have to decide on your own. If you think living with your boyfriend is the right thing to do then do it. But i think your mom should be more open to these things, i mean she shouldnt tell you that the father cant see his child how is that her decision? but i hope it all works out!

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