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  • #13563

      yeah…i’m not too sure what to do, i think i might be pregnant but not sure, i started feeling a bit weird a few days after having sex, i have missed my period and my boobs are a bit sore,
      i have used a pee test but it was negative, about half an hour later a pink tinge started to apear in the positive part, it is faint.
      im gonna take another test in a few days.

      any advice would be great.


        i took another test and i got exactly the same result, should i take another test?

        please people i need your help i feel so alone at the moment.
        i have never been pregant before and didnt expect to be.
        the guy who is the father if i am pregnant, we have been together for a year and a half and i want to be sure before i tell him.


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