two tests..still confuse

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      [b]hey my names caty and i recently turned 18 in feb. i have been with my boyfriend for four months on the first of June. I for the last week or so. have been feelign sick to my stomach then about four days ago i woke up with really a really bad pain in my stomach. not like i had to go to the bathroom. it was a paint hat i hadn’t had before. so on sunday my boyfriend i went and bought two pregnancy test. the first one i took yesterday mornign and it came out positve the one i took today came out negative. currently we are living with his paretns because of some situations at my house. if i am pregnant im not sure how to do this because as my name says he is a volunteer firefighter which doesn’t get paid. yes he has two jobs but ones in a summer postion only and the other one the companys’ aboutto close down. he doesn’t want to tell his parents or mine until we know for sure

      i’m not entirley sure what to do. any advice would be great thank you[/b]


        i could of been a false positive.
        when are you due your period? see if you are late, or are you already late?

        or go to the doctors and have a blood test as they will be able to tell you for certain 🙂

        best of luck
        Bernardette x


          If you took the pregnancy test later in the day after drinking liquid your urine could have been too deluted to read the HCG horomone. It is always best to take pregnancy tests in the morning when you haven’t drinken anything, you shouold get another pregnancy test and take it in the morning. Or you can go to the doctor.


            The only way to know for sure is going to the doctor, i had the same experience once and when i went to the doctor’s it turned out that i was not preg……Hopefully you will get the results you want either way


              Hi Caty,

              It’s unclear from your post when your due for your period. If you had unprotected sex, there’s always a chance that you could become pregnant, especially if it fell anywhere between the 7-18th day after your last period stopped.

              If your not late yet, I would suggest you wait until your past due for your period by about 5 days and then test with the first morning’s urine. If it is positive, then you will need to get to your doctor to confirm it as soon as possible so that he may put you on prenatal vitamins and iron.

              If it’s negative using a home test, but you feel that you are pregnant, go to the doctor and let them do a blood test. You will get an accurate result there.

              I hope that things will settle down for you at home, so that if you are pregnant, you will receive the support you and your baby will need.

              We are always here to help, and if you have any other questions or need guidance after your testing, please let us know.


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