Twins? MAYBE?

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  • #23167

    [b][color=#0000FF]is it normal to be showing (a lot) at only 9 weeks?
    because i am quite big for 9 weeks..

    to be honest.. i don’t really know how far gone i am,
    my last period was 9 weeks ago (this is the period i have dated my pregnancy from) but it wasn’t ‘normal’ and was quite irregular.
    my period before that was 15 weeks ago, and this was even more irregular. (only lasted 2-3 days as apposed to 5/6)
    so i’m starting to think maybe both those ‘periods’ wern’t periods at all and i am further gone.
    which means they would date it from the period before that? so i am infact 19/20 weeks gone if this is true.

    i also can’t help thinking i could be carrying twins.
    my boyfriend has 4 sets of twins in his family.. and it goes in certain generations, and he falls into the generation who could have twins.
    i am just curious.

    i started getting symptoms at 2 weeks..
    i found out at 3 weeks.
    this is quite early i think.

    anyone have any ideas?
    x x[/color][/b]


    hmmm what about going to the doctor? to have a us? did you thought about that?

    an us will tell you your due date and it will tell you how many are there…

    goosh i will be 10 weeks this week and had 2 us and 3 appointments!


    firstly…. congratulations!

    why dont u go 2 the doc n get a scan that way u will kno 4 sure how far along u are and if ur carriyin twins! that way if u are atleast u can be beta prepared


    I think your best bet is to get to the Dr. I called for an appt. when I was 4 weeks and they sent me to an U/S before I even had an appt. And we saw only one. I am now lil past 8 weeks and I also am big(showing alot) I have gained 6 lbs already.

    I also have a set of twins and it runs in my family. But you having an U/S is your best bet.


    i have an appointment to see my midwife on 27th November.
    so i will find out all of this then.
    just wanted to see what everyone on here thought.
    x x


    well twins can be made from either you ovulating two eggs or your fertilized egg splitting into two. So if it is genetic, then it would have to be identical twins rather than fraternal twins.. there is no point to this post.. I was just thinking haha. but i have heard you really dont start to show much the first pregnancy until you are around 5 mos pregnant, so you could likely be further along.. or its twins! get the ultrasound!

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