total scared i mite be pregnant but not sure

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    My cycle is six day late and its freaking me out because I had unprotected
    sex thow he said he didn’t ejaculate in me he withdrew but I have been
    having nauseous feelings and been craving food I don’t even eat
    I have been eating alot and sleeping alot lately an frequently urinating
    am not experiencing ant tender breast .am really scared to take a test.


    Hey there!

    I know so many women know exactly how you are feeling – even being fearful to take a test. It’s understandable that you would want to just put it off and hope it’s another possibility. I remember putting off taking a test for almost 3 weeks, even though I knew I was pregnant. I’m glad you found this site though – we’ll be here to support you no matter the outcome.

    The symptoms you mentioned could be related to a pregnancy, but they could also be related to a number of other things as well. At times, after having unprotected sex and then having your cycle be late…this can lead to symptoms of anxiety, which can mimic those of pregnancy. But the cause of what you’re feeling will remain unknown until you find out for sure. It’s scary not knowing; it’s scary buying the test, taking it, waiting…all of it can be scary. But in the end, you have to know for your sake and for the sake of the baby, if it is positive. is a great website you can go to find a pregnancy center in your area and you can also just call them to ask anything that you’re feeling concerned about. Any of the centers in your area will offer free tests and someone you can talk to.

    Please let us know how you are doing and if there is anything else we can help you with! We’ll be thinking of you!



    Thanks Elisabeth22 and I built up courage and did the test I did six to be exact and thy
    all were positive and schedule a doctors appointment for the twenty fourth , problem is am not sure how to tell the father that I am pregnant ,he keeps calling me and asking me if I am ok and asking me weird questions like he knows something
    is up,he even calls me more often than before,but every time he calls I say am fine even though am not,am freaking out
    because he is married and to my moms best friend and he is a Christian.i feel really stupid and am really second guess if I want this baby or not.
    because if any one knew it would blow up so big my mom would kill me and so would his wife omg I feel amo die .
    I was the same one who was encouraging him to fix the problems he had with his wife and ended getting too close.
    but it’s not like it was all my fault but I feel guilty. 🙁

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