too much

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      Things just seem to spiral out of control from time to time and again, I’m struggling to hold together the threads of what was once normal… I just can’t cope and it’s like everytime I tell Aergean that I’m depressed he takes it as a personal attack on him and I findmyself consolling him and apologising for the way i feel.

      I’m so frustrated…. I cry ALL the time about nothing and everything. I just can’t hold this facade together anymore. I spent over an hour on the bathroom floor the other day, crying till I was sick… Is this normal? Is this healthy?

      I just wanna pull my hair out and scream and get rid of everything that keeps building up untill it explodes. I’m so scared that I’m headed for another nervous breakdown.


        I know how you feel… I’ve been there with PPD. My boyfriend just didn’t understand what I was going through, you have to help him help you. Help him understand the emotions and pain you feel, right now. Tell him you need him… Tell him he needs to talk to you, as well. Communication is so, so, so important in maintaining your relationship. What you are doing is not healthy for you, but it may be normal. I’d say that trust in God and have faith to help you heal from your wounds. Keep yourself busy and open to friends and family. I hope the best for you.

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