to be or not to be?

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      hey there all beutifull pregnant ladies 😛 !!!!!!!!

      well i have come to this resorsfull page for some advise. i am as for today 5 days late in period, i dont have many symptoms, jsut the missed period, and i have been hungry all of the time this past week and a halve, i have to go to the potty a little more then usual, not alot but just a little more then usual. you see im cunfused because my boyfreind and i had sexual intercourse about a week and a halve after my period last month. i was supposed to menstrate on the 26 of this month. im a petrified of telling my mom that she might become a grandma, for i am only 16, and i feel bad that i let her down, because she has been verry supportive to me. she would always tell me to tell her when i was ready to have sex so that way she could get me birth control. now i dont know what to do. i know she only wants the best for me,and would help me in this situation, i would like some help. please any advise would be help full!!!!!!!!!!!!

      thanks a thousand,
      paulina m.



        I would take a pregnancy test to find out for sure whether of not you are pregnant. If you are pregnant you should talk to your mom. Even if you are not, I would suggest that you be consider talking to your mother about decisions regarding sex.

        Trust me I know this can be awkward. My mother would never have said for me to come to her so I could get on birth control – she mostly just said "don’t – period.". I think if she knew that I became sexually active before I was married she would have agreed that it was best to use protection and/or birth control. Although she would have been very disappointed in me and I honestly wish that I would have listened to her advice and waited for sex until marriage.

        If you are pregnant I hope that you choose to give life to your child. If you are not pregnant, my suggestion would be that if you are not ready to have a baby at this time that you keep your relationship at a non sexual level, but if you continue to be sexually active that you talk to your mom about getting on birth control. Best wishes.



          Take a pregnancy test.


            Hello I have a quetion… My period is so irregular i really dont know when it will come. But I had my last period September 3 now its November 5 hmmmm yesterday i just started to have light bleeding but not a lot and its a brownish color… I first had unprotected sex with my bf on Oct. 2nd then on the 29 and 30th of Oct. could that have slowed my period down .. Having intercourse before my period was supposed to have started? I’m confused i noticed im tired a lot and my appetite had picked up a little more than usual… But I also took a pg test that Sunday on the 30th cause my period hadnt come that month …But it turned out negative… I noticed i have had lots of wetness i run to the bathroom thinking my cycle has come but its a false alarm :blink: hmmm Im dont know what to think… I dont have the other symptoms the tender breast and I would think that would really be the next big sign other than my period being late?? :ermm: So what do you all think?


              I’m not sure if you are pregnant or not. If you had conceived on Oct 2, then the test taken on the 30th should have indicated a positive response. However if you conceived on the 29th or 30th then it would have been way to early for the test to register as positive (and conception might not have actually occurred yet).

              I can understand about your concern with irregular cycles. My cycle was very irregular too. I would wait a couple of weeks and take a test if your period still hasn’t started yet. In the meantime if you are not wanting to get pregnant I would not have unprotected sex with your boyfriend.


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