three test later and one doctors apointment

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      i have just done three test and they all said i was pregnant. i am now going to the doctors in one hour to no for sure. this is a big thing for me as i have had an abortion before and i dont think i could handle having another one. i am eighteen and still currently finishing school i have a job and amazing friends except im not sure that the father is going to want anyuthing to do with me or my baby as we have only been seeing eachother for a month and he doesnt even know if he wants a relationship.

      whats your opinions ?


        I think you should keep the baby 100%, you can do this, especially if you are almost done with school, you have 9 months to get ready for the baby, that is plenty of time to save up for the things you need and find good sitters for when you work!! Don’t give in this time, you already know the pain…Love Meg

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