this time it wont be a suprise

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  • #21916

    hi there

    so i have decided what i want is to be a mom and i want a baby, so yes im trying, i have a stable life now a really good job to.. everything in life had just seemed to get better.. since i have had the time to work things out with myself,..

    its only been a month trying, but my period has arrived:dry: i was so upset and did not know what to do with myself when i saw it had come. the last time i got preggies it was in a month and i was not even trying? im starting to think i cant have babies now???? am i just parinoid? i dunno but this feeling is upseting me and making me miserable:( . or could this be gods way of telling me i not ready for a baba?

    has anyone else been struggling to concieve? can you offer me and help because im going out of my mind im so worried:huh:


    It is normal that you want a baby, especially after loosing the last one, and it sounds like you have thought this out. But I was wondering… Is your boyfriend on board with this? It sounded like last time he wasn’t very supportive, and you really don’t want to have a baby with a boyfriend that doesn’t want it.
    Don’t worry, if you were able to get pregnant before, even if the baby wasn’t able to live, you are most likely still able to get pregnant.
    I think that you should wait till you get married before you have a baby, that is the only way that your baby will truly have a stable life.
    But whatever you decide you can get support on here. 🙂
    Let us know how everything works out! 🙂


    hey hey, its only been a whole month. The dr told me that to conceive a baby it is normal to take a year to fall pregnant.
    I’ve been trying since November 2007 🙂
    Baby dust your way.

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