Think Im Pregnant..?!!?!

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    Hey, ok. so i am more than a week late on my period. i do have symptoms. backaches, headaches,dizziness,increased appetite, mood are crazy to me.. the thing is these are same symptoms i get around my cycle. soooo i dont really knowing if its my cycle coming or not… another thing making this comfusing is… i got both a positive and negative result on a HPT.. so im like ooohhh lordddd.. idk. WHAT DO YALL THINK>>?


    Hey there! I think you would benefit from having a medical grade test to confirm your pregnancy….Visit this website, , Enter your postal code into the site and it will give you the contact info for the closest Pregnancy Help Center near you where you can get a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL test to confirm whether or not you are pregnant, you can also have an ultrasound done there at no cost….Tests and hormones can be so confusing, especially when pregnancy symptoms are so similar to period symptoms….The best thing to do is go see someone at the Pregnancy Help Center, they do this every day and will be able to help you no matter what! I hope you will come back and let us all know what you find out! Just take some deep breaths and try to stay calm, stress and worry can delay your period as well and produce even more pregnancy symptoms!….I am here if you need to talk, I have had pregnancy scares that turned out false and I have also seen that plus sign appear and had my world rocked! Let me know if I can help you in any way! Love Meg,


    well if your a week over than chances are you may be pregnant. i would suggest taking a test because by now it should give you a true result. if it shows positive then go to the doctor and confirm it. good luck:)

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