Think Im havin my 3rd~Completely bewildered(help)

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    :huh: Okay so I have had every symptom in the ‘book’ that tells you that you are pregnant, but i took a test and it said that i am not however i think that i took it too soon because i have two sons and i ‘feel’ pregnant. I haven’t been under too much stress and I have been eating and all taht stuff that comes with [a late period]:( …well what I need help with is advice from mothers with resources and places where i can turn to help with clothes and shoes and diapers and baby gear b/c i can barely afford 2 so with this third child i dont want to make my children suffer. I did use protection (I guess it was defective) so its not like i was careless. :ohmy: I need help and advice and maybe some supoort b/c my supports been gone since my I told my family and friends I was pregnant the first time(not with my oldest) i had a miscarriage and then i had my two that i have now…Anything will be greatly appreciated.:)


    Here is a great resource for ya, 1-800-395-HELP, Optionline can give you the number and location to the closest Pregnancy Resource Center to you where you can get a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL test, an ultrasound and they have tons of resources, most if not all of the resource centers have a program where you can watch short parenting videos and earn, “baby bucks” or “mommy money” and they have a store where you can purchase items, our local center has everything from cribs, bassinets, rocking chairs, clothes up through toddler sizes, maternity clothes, diapers, formula, blankets, diaper bags, etc, you name it….I personally contribute to them, I donate stuff to them all the time, I plan on bringing in my stroller with matching car seat that snaps in soon, it is in great condition, every fall we have a community baby shower as well, they ask all the people in the community to bring new or slightly used items and they fill a whole school bus with diapers and other needs for the center….there are also places that are like thrift stores but better, ours is called Encore Kids, you can make an appt, bring in a certain amount of clothes or other items like strollers and trade them in for store credit, if you do it smart you may never have to buy new clothes, you can trade sizes over an over again as long as the clothes stay nice, you can also apply for WIC and get free milk, eggs, cheese, peanut butter, bread, tortillas, rice, cereal, fresh fruits and veggies and juice, tuna and beans if you are breastfeeding…they can also give you a free breast pump, food stamps are available and also hygiene vouchers to help you get shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste etc…then there is the obvious thrift stores too, there are food banks and many of the food banks now have clothing closets, at my church we have a deacons fund, if someone has a need that can not be met any other way we can take money out of the deacons fund to help with that, whether it is rent or dental needs etc, also there are places like energy assistance where they can set up a fund with your service provider to help with your electric bill…they also teach you things that you can do to lower your bill like keeping your fridge full, even if there is not a lot of food you can keep gallon jugs of water in there and the less “dead air” the less energy it takes to keep things cold…oh, there is a wealth of info and resources out there and I have no doubt that you will manage just fine, I use less laundry soap than called for, my clothes smell great and are clean, there are all kinds of tricks to learn and I am here to fill your brain with all kinds of ideas, I am a stay home mom, 4 kids and we have 1 income…even in this economy we are surviving without food stamps and one of the reasons is because we use our resources wisely, we eat a little smaller portions,(we can all do that…LOL) just let me know if you want or need anymore info or tips on specific ways to save ans stretch your budget and let us all know when you find out…Love Meg

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