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    I’m 4 months pregnant i still havent seen a doctor..but i will. Okay I’m pregnant because my EX boyfriend raped me for the fourth time after i had broken up with him. My first thought was abortion. I thought about it for only a few minutes and thought how stupid I was to even think such a thing. I don’t have family support ( I really don’t have my immediate family at all) except for the aunt and grandma i have half way across the states and even they don’t really know the true meaning of helping someone. After praying about it Idecided to keep it. I know I can’t afford it at the current moment but if you look to friends for support you will find it. I have a place to stay right now and I’m really glad after writing a paper on abortion that i didn’t go through with it. I hope everyone who has an unexpected pregnancy will make the right decision not to abort it because im sure that will not solve your problems.


    You are SO strong and I cannot even imagine how much courage it took to choose parenting when so many forces were pressuring you to abort. You made the right choice!
    I just want to add that you can go to a crisis pregnancy center and get pre-natal care for FREE, these centers exist to make full-term pregnancy easier and put women at less risk for abortion. Look up crisis pregnancy in your phone book, sometimes it’s listed under "abortion alternatives."
    I wish you the very best!


    WAY TO GO GIRL. these are the stories that bring tears of joy to my eyes. thank you for having the strength to leave and keep finding a way to stay away. and the centers will help you. stay strong. remember all the people on here love you and support you.


    I’m glad you decided not to abort, but don’t forget about adoption as an option as well. I’ve noticed on these boards that abortion and parenting the child are always mentioned, but adoption is also a very loving option for your baby. Good luck in whatever you decide.

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