the pill question……..

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    hey guys im on the pill and im just wondering if any of you girls got pregnant while on the and was it because you forgot to take some of maybe it just didnt work for you im really interested any feedback much appreciated. thanks peace out:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


    Hi there,
    I used triphasil for about a year (((took it properly, everyday around the same time… give or take 30 mins))) But fell pregnant anyway… Apparently triphasil is known for unexpected prgnancies.
    I’m much healthier without birth control and abstinance is a way more relaible birth control!!!


    hey i fell preg while breastfeedin and the pill which is usually very unlikely but it did anyway!! and i was out by half an hour or so with my pill times coz wen ur a mum ur life is anything but planned


    thanks my mum and friend both have gotten pg on the pill, and now im on it im wondering if that could happen to me i never take it at the same time everyday im never ever i always forget but i have never fell pg iv been on it for 3 1/2 years i guess im lucky or maybe im just on a really good pill. thanks again.:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

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