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  • #18228

    cool thankz everybody hu has replyd… ya i think i mite b ova reaccting .. just everyone else around me is wayyy bigger.. and i was like doing drugz til i was like 4monthz.. but it should b all gud.. and yep.. ive stoppd for a month now.. Thankx 4 dat…


    I think it is so awesome that you have stopped doing drugs for your baby…I was in the same boat myself when I found out I was pregnant with my first…I was a crazy party girl…I was always doing different kinds of drugs and drinking and smoking cigarettes…I was so worried that my daughter was going to have problems because of my choices that I had made prior to finding out I was pregnant…she is perfectly fine…she is healthy and has never even had an ear infection…I am not saying this to recommend that someone do drugs if the want while they are pregnant and the baby will be fine I say this to say how good God is…He covered and protected my little girl even though I was being dumb…I hope and pray that your little one turns out to be fine also…I’m sure he/she will….good job mommy for making the great choice to keep your baby and to make healthier choices for him/her…let us all know how your pregnancy goes and if you ever have more questions or concerns….Love Meg

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