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  • #25692

    Thanks everyone for your advise…I am working it out with my parents now


    Hey Sweetie! It sounds like you need to call the cops, You are 17 and you are a mother, in many places you are considered an adult because of the combination of those two facts. Your parents cannot forbid their father to see them, they cannot force you to give them custody, they cannot force you to stay in their house and they cannot forbid you from taking YOUR kids. I am unsure of where you live but in America there is usually some branch of Adult and Family Services, you can find a phone number in the phone book in the government pages…they can usually assist with free legal help and I think that is what you need. You can go to a shelter or stay with a friend until you can get situated on your own, unless you are into drugs (doesn’t sound like it) your parents really have no leverage with the courts…it sounds like you need to get away from them and completely cut yourself off until maybe later down the road when hopefully they will have let go of their heavy handed control over you, also it takes two to tango, if you are being controlled that means you are allowing it, you need to break free, this is not healthy for you, babies, their dad, or your parents….please find some legal help and gt out of their, if you have to have the cops there to help you get your babies then that is what you need to do…Love Meg


    BABY GIRL!!! I know that you are going through it but your parents seem like Nazi’s. These are YOUR BABIES!!! Is there anyway you can get out? Call the cops, call guardian ad litem and tell them your situation, there are lawyers who would be willing to help you for free. Get rid of that agreement. You were coerced into signing that. Does your boyfriend live with jis parents? If so will they allow you to stay there with the babies? You can take those babies wherever and whenever you please. Get out.


    wow, i was in the same situation except i only have one baby. mi parents wouldnt let me do anything. they have custody of my kids but thats because i was 14 when i got pregnant and had no insurance. so they used that against me. they used everything about him against me. until i finally said enough. my son is just that MINE.. same as yours… your sons are YOURS… being 17 and having twins sounds pretty hard but girl stand up… you are strong enough to decide to keep twins and not only that but you did do eveything else on your own..take ur kids and run with their daddy hopefully.. we are here for you dont get discouraged

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