telling your parents

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    I am pregnant for a 3rd time this year,… I had an abortion in March and in October. And they have all been with the same guy. He tells me over and over he’ll leave me if i have the baby. But, i don’t care anymore. I want to have this one. I know I got pregnant 3 times (on birth control) for a reason. The only thing I’m scared about is telling my family. HOW do you tell your parents and family? I don’t know what to say. HELP!!!


    easy- striaght and forward- Okay eaier said then done… I guess what my best bet would be find someone in your family that is really close and understanding… and explain to them the situation, and ask them on how they think you should break the news to the rest of the family. Have confidence in yourself. Everything will be fine. Im sure your family loves you… and will love your little one to come


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