Telling the parents..

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    Just a month ago i found out that i was pregnate, when i spoke to my bf about it he seemed pretty scared about the thought of himself being a father but hes willing to take responsability. He’s 22 im 18. We both live outside the U.S. were currently live in different states, due to personal education plans. Both of our parents live in California, we speak to them every now and then over the phone and online. Now that im pregnate and keeping it I’m moving in with him, I havent told my mother that im expecting but she knows that I’m moving. Since were so far away from each other i feel so scared to tell her.
    How can i aproach this topic,without feeling so ashamed of myself?
    My mother also had me when she was around my age and she went through alot of makes me really sad to think that i repeated her story.

    Can you please give me some advice on how i should tell my mom. Thank You.

    I think it’s great that you guys are moving in together.. I’m gonna assume that when you say talk online its via skype or something.. if so, it would be easy if you were both there probably.. like if you both sit down on the chat with them and tell them… i dont think you should be ashamed of yourself.. every person has a different expierience, and you get to have your own now.
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