Hi everyone
I think I need to take a break from SUG for a while. I dont want to, but Ive prayed about and realized that its time for me to let go of my aborted baby and move on for a while, or I will not be able to be a good mother to my two children. I dont want to – I really want to hang on longer, but I know that I can’t or I will drive myself crazy. And then I wont be good to my kids, myself, or be able to serve God. So I am going to need to avoid anything associate with babies for a while – including the baby isle at the grocery store that I spent 20 minutes crying in early today. I know a time will come when I can come back on & talk about my pregnancies, and being a single mom, again, but for now I know Im going to have to heal first. As much as I dont want to, I have to start living again and takig care of my resposibilities, and devoting myself to my own elationship with God and rasing my kids the right way. So bye for now & Im sure I will be back eventually. Hopefully soon!