Surpreme Regret

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      🙁 Well there’s noone else to blame but myself. I let someone help in taking my childs life. This really hurts. At first i thought that it wouldnt effect me, my feelings or thoughts. But now, my baby is all i think about, every thing that i do. Its haunting me and for the rest of my life i feel as if this will happen again. Being so happy about being pregnant and then being put through the ropes by what other people think and say. To not mess up your life by goin thru with a pregnancy. but the only thing that i have done to mess up my life was to kill my baby. she never did anything to me to deserve this. Although i was only ten weeks, she meant the world to me. Jaedyn im really sorry and there can be no justifications for doing what I did to you.I will always love you and you will ALWAYS be mommy’s little angel. It really hurts to c pregnant people, babies, and young children. I always think about what u wud look like, how you would act, and all of the joy that we could bring to each other. This hurts more than loosing my mother. I just feel like dying I dont think that there is any worse feeling than this. I dont think i have anything to live for anymore. This IS the WORSE decision that i have EVER made in my life. The only thing that is worse than this is to go through with a next one.

      Trust me, if you are pregnant and thinking about abortion, please dont go through with it because to me, i would rather struggle to be a good mother than to just run away from my situation. If i ever get pregnant again, I will keep my baby. i just think that i needed to let that out, dont really feel much better but if this can stop other women from getting abortions then im happy.

      I love you Jaedyn


        Thank you for sharing your story. I am sure that it will reach other girls in a similar situation and hopefully cause then to rethink about going through with an abortion. I am sorry you had to go through such a painful experience. Perhaps going to post-abortion counseling such as project rachel may help you to deal with some of the grief. Also there are several other girls here who have gone through similar experiences and are dealing with similar feelings. Perhaps talking with them will help. While unfortunately it isn’t possible to go back and change the past, remember that God forgives and loves you no matter what you have done. It is great that you have learned a lesson for the future and want to share your story with others as well.

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