Super late!!!

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  • #23113

    So i have’nt had my period since sept 17!! im not exactly always on time but my cycle only differs by a few days, and like i said it didnt come at all in oct, and todays nov 12. Anyways i’ve taken a hpt and it was negative, i havent thought much of it since ive been REALLY streesed with college and work… but it is fusterating wondering whats going on?!! Well i plan to go to the doctor if i dont get it by the end of next week, has anyone experianced a shock at the doctors after having a false negative at home??


    It could happen that you go to the doctor and get told that you are pregnant, but it almost sounds more like you are just really stressed. If that is the case it can keep you from getting your period. Try relaxing and try not to worry about college, work, or this (easy to say, I know), and then see what the doctor says.
    Keep us updated ok?


    Driving yourself crazy is not going to change the result. Make the appointment for the Doctor’s as soon as you can. But stress plays a hugh toll on not getting your period. Best of luck. Jessica

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