sum1 please help

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      hi,im 16 and at the begining of this monh i had a miscarrage at ten weeks, i didnt feel envious towards pregnant women then but now i do,theres a girl that i work with and shes how far along i would be now and i can’t help look at her and feel angry and jelous, i know its not right for me to have a baby yet but i want to feel my baby growin inside me agen,i hear her talking about her scan(when i had mine i found out i’d miscarried but hadn’t passed anythig) and wot it feels like and it brings back memories n brings tears to my eyes because i miss my baby, its rele getting me down and i have no1 to talk to about this, can someone help me please.
      sophie xxx


        I’am sorry for your loss….
        I know that it hurts. I also know that you must be young and I like to share with you that maybe just maybe your baby was going to have all kinds of health issues and God didn’t want that for you or the baby. LORD, I pray that you will give her a peace about the descision that you made for her and give her joy again that surpasses all understanding. Allow her body to heal from the hormones and keep balanced in perfect health. Help her to make better choices with her life cause she is the apple of your eye. In JESUS name. Amen…



          I’m so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I haven’t gone through a miscarriage myself, but know poeple who have. I wish I could give you a big hug! It is normal to grieve and to feel lonely and jealous. Hang in there. I’m here to listen if you need to talk. Unfortunately nothing will replace the baby that was lost, but hopefully with time and support you will heal. Someday down the road in the future I bet you will be a great mother. In the meantime try to focus on your education and self improvement. Best Wishes.



            thanks for replying, it’s still tough sometimes but i’m getting through it and it’s making me stronger, and i wish all the girls that come on this site all the happiness in the world. xxx


              hi sophie, my name is meka. i just read your story and i understand what you are going through. i also had a miscarriage and everything you are feeling, i felt them too. it took me years to get myself together. for the longest, i couldnt even walk through a clothing store and look at baby items because i would cry. it is going to take a while for you to come to terms with what happened, but the main thing for you to do is to have a support group. it really helped me being able to talk to people that didnt look down on me for being pregnant at an early age. (i was 14 years old). the first step is recognizing that you need someone to help you in this time.

              Post edited by: SweetTea, at: 2006/07/12 21:45

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