stretch marks

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  • #13089
    gina lynn

    i was just wondering if anyone knew of any methods or products that actually work to get rif of stretch marks after the baby is born. because i have really bad ugly red ones all over my stomach anf it looks terrible:blush:

    thanx for any advice
    gina lynn


    Coco Butter


    Coccoa Butter works!!!


    I used to be an aesthetician for about 4 years before making a recent career change. Micro Derrmabrasion works well however I found it to be aggressive for sensative scar tissue…see if you can get a 10% alpha hydroxy acid (AHA or Glycolic) Biostrat or Intaglio are a good line..they wont make them dissappear but they will definitly soften them..giver a go and let me know


    I used St Ives with elastin the places I used it in I am strech mark free and the places i missed (because of that belly) were covered in them.



    Coco butter is fantasic! i have used it since i first realised i was pregnant and touch wood i havent got 1!!!!


    Sadly there is nothing u can really do for stretch marks except laser treatments!! and the lotions and stuff dont really work either….thye help but they dont work lol if your gonna get stretch marks you going to get them lol sad enough……it all depends on ur skin type….i used Cocoa butter through my ENTIRE pregnancy and i still have a zebra stripped belly and my daughter is 9 months old!! i still ahve them everywhere and they are still purple…it SUX….and there is really nothing u can do for them!! they should fade w/ time though!! try a tan when it starts getting warm…..that will help out a little and help them fade!! but other than that there is not much u can do for them 🙁


    After I had my kids I used to joke around saying "thank God for stretch marks and tattoos they taught me alot about modesty" really though I have a rule …. if you can see more than two tattoos or any stretch marks than I am not dresed appropriately 🙂 Love Meg


    palmers cocoa butter for stretch marks works very well……


    well if you already have them maderma ( i think thats what ts caled) wil help get rid of them. it it a cream that helps fade scars.


    bweber wrote:

    palmers cocoa butter for stretch marks works very well……

    it helps but it doesnt make them go away….and esp. not AFTER the baby!!!


    well i useit for the stretch marks that i got when i gained alot of weight a while ago and the marks are there but the color and visability of them aren’t….so basically they have GONE away….so i’m srry if u don’t believe me….


    well mama as far as finding somthing to take the marks away they wont go away… your best best is to loose the baby fat and work out — you’ll feel better:cheer:

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