stressed…cOnfused need advice

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    Ok, ii have a cOusin and she isz pregnant 5 mOnth’Sz with a baby girl. back then when she qOt pregnant she was in lOve with this guy and they where talkin fOr a while till her ex jumped in the picture and she started to catCh feelinq’Sz fOr him sOo she was talkin tOo bOth asz friend’Sz till One niiqht her an her ex did it unprOtected and that’Sz hOw she qOt pregnant but then the Other guy fOund Out and was really upset and she was mad because she didn’t want tO have a baby at da time an with her ex cuz she was still in lOve with the Other guy so till this day…her an that guy still talk and she misses him so much and he just act like a sweet heart tOwards her still..and my cOusin an her baby father are havinq really bad arguments and breakin up on and off…what shOuLD SHE Do!?:unsure:


    to go with her heart and who treats her right.she has to think about who will be a suitable father too.

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