stomach pains, 5th month

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    Im 17 and 5 months pregnant. Lately my stomach has been hurting almost like rly bad cramps…is this normal??


    it can be normal because your body has another body inside of it 🙂 a baby can get in your ribs and tear things up and also as your baby grows your tummy has to stretch….I would talk to your doctor about any concerns…..Meg


    I would say not to worry but where are they located? It could just round ligament pains. They can hurt pretty bad. You shouldn’t worry unless your having pains you can’t take and/or bleeding occurs.


    It could be normal. The best thing to do is just to give your prenatal care provider a quick call just to make sure. Never be afraid to ask questions, no matter how silly they may seem to you. I am sure your doctor has been asked some crazy questions 😉


    hey in in the same boat as you at the moment but im only 8 weeks pregnant. I heard from someone that its just something inside that is growing so it has room for the baby to grow, search on the net to see if you can find something and be sure to share it with me coz i like to also to know


    im only 8 weeeks and ive been having really bad camps! .. so ur not alone.. but im not sure why.. so anyone else who does know .. it would help me as well!


    maybe you should go to the doctor and check..its always better to be on the safe side! GOOD LUCK!


    It could just be normal cramping due to symptoms. Some women experience them throughout their whole pregnancy. Your best bet is to go to your doctor.


    Yeah there are two different kinds of pain, and if you are experiencing the kind im feeling sometimes, im 20 weeks as well.. it only happens in school when ive been walking around and standing all day but it feels like contractions and goes away after a lil while if i lie down.

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