Stealing Thunder

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      I am currently pregnant with my first child, and Im so excited. A few weeks after I found out I was pregnant, my boyfriends sister told us shes pregnant too. At first I was like “This is awesome, we will be able to share the same moments and if I need advice I can talk to her about it.” But last week she tells us what she plans on naming the baby, and my babys middle names and hers are the same. Me and my boyfriend told everyone our names first and I feel like shes copying me. And here lately I feel like shes “stealing my thunder”. She has 2 kids and this is my first baby. I dont wanna seem like a brat about it but its really upset me that shes picked the same names as me and it seems like shes trying to rob me of being happy about my pregnancy. Am I just being a brat about this and how can I get over it?


        Hey! First, I think it’s going to be really great that you have someone so close to you to share your pregnancy with. I’m sure it will be really helpful a lot of the time. But I also understand wanting that specialness that comes with a baby, especially the first baby. It’s understandable how you’re feeling and I would feel the same way. But if the middle name means something to you, then that’s all that matters. Hope you feel better about this soon!

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