Starting to show?

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    hey, I know every pregnancy is different and I know every girl is different. I was just wondering when you ladies started showing?


    Well I got really bloated at 6 weeks but people started asking me if I was pregnant at 12 weeks. I started to show pretty early and I didn’t stop growing until I gave birth.
    Lol I was hoping I would be one of the girls that started showing early and stopped growing at like 7 months.


    well wit my first pregnancy i started showing at about 13 weeks n amazingly this time around i only started showing at 22weeks (i found out i was preg at 18 weeks!) n now im 36weeks n i look like a whale!!!


    Haha well for me, before pregnancy I would eat one thing and then be bloated the whole day and so now with pregnancy it doesn’t help that. But usually when I got bloated I would wake up the next morning and be my size again. But now when I look in the mirror it looks like I am getting a tiny bump but it isn’t very hard so its probably just fat lol. I think I am still the same weight, before I found out I was pregnant I was really stressed and lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks[I was pregnant at the time] but I think I am the same as when I weighed my self last week. Baby is only the size of a blueberry right now XD its amazing how we grow!


    well, i started to show around the 10-12 weeks area but i was fairly small than so.. i guess that would be why.


    yeah I would say I am fairly small as well so I hope I start to show soon then XD

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