Spotting or not? URGENT

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    hey, well i have been pregnant before but had a misscarriage, however i had no spotting so dont know what to expect.

    i recently had sex with my boyfriend and i have been randomly bleeding, its mainly when i go to the toilet, but its a pale red pinkish colour!

    is it not too early to be spotting? could i be pregnant again or is it something else?

    please respond !!!


    I don’t know enough about spotting and I am not a doctor but I would recommend that you check out our new feature "Ask Dr.Marie" I keep track of my periods on a calendar that way if something is ever abnormal or strange I can look back and tell my doctor when my last period was and it it was heavier or lighter than normal…I would suggest you do the same…it really helps alot when you have things like this happen…also I will once again encourage you to just give your body a have been through a lot with your misscarriage and all and you are still in school…right now is not a good time for a baby…just take it easy and plan your wedding first…I know how hard it is to wait..I waited for my husband for 2 1/2 years…we did not have sex until our wedding night…I can tell you though that it was so worth it…we never had a pregnancy scare, there was never any awkwardness in our relationship…we knew that we were not going to have sex and it set us free to just get to know each other better….please just take some time for you…if your boyfriend can’t understand that then maybe he is not the one for you…so…talk to Dr.Marie and explain more in detail of what is going on with you, schedule an appointment with your doctor, start keeping track of your cycle and please make the choice of abstinence…it is so worth it…I hope I helped a little bit…let us all know ok…Love Meg

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